Mission Statement
Mission Statement
International Christian Resources will, utilizing student medical missions and all available resources, meet the physical and practical needs of the spiritually lost in order to reach and impact them with the Gospel. By the grace of our Lord we hope to ignite and train disciples to go forward as they are called.
Reaching people through medicine. Impacting People with the love of Christ. Training for the future. Sending those who are called.
ICR challenges people to explore and use the gifts God has given them. ICR will help you develop those gifts. Whether you have a heart for prayer, a desire to entertain, a passion for children, a love of languages or a desire to share Jesus, ICR needs you. ICR needs you to share your walk with Christ to both our students and those in most need around the globe.
ICR uses medicine as the platform to proclaim the gospel and reach out with the love of Christ and we depend on YOU to invest in the lives of students and connect with the people.
ICR gives you the opportunity to stretch yourself in both serving those in most need and connecting with future physicians. With ICR, you will travel to places a tourist may never see, to communities that may never see a doctor and with students who are making important life decisions. There are few situations where the love of God can use you to have a deeper impact than on an ICR medical mission.
ICR would love to encourage you following the return from an ICR medical mission trip. Whatever the path God has set before you let the resources of ICR work for you. If you would like to include your church in future trips, if you would like to support a missionary that could use a medical mission trip, if you would like to encourage a medical student to participate in medical missions, ICR would love to be of service. ICR is here for YOU. We want to help your heartbeat become God’s heartbeat for you.