Who We Are
About the Founders of ICR
Dr. Joseph Cacioppo, President
International Christian Resources was founded in 1996. After four years of going independently into the field as a short term medical missionary, my family and I formed International Christian Resources, also known as ICR, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. We are a Christian non-denominational group which allows us to partner with many other organizations.
We travel where ever there are physical needs and use that as a platform to share the gospel. We started in 1997, by taking small church groups to Central America. We were able to help build an orphanage and kick off our first outreach medical camps.
In 2003, God added another objective to our missions; one of raising up students to feel and act with the compassion of Christ in the mission field, in their careers, and in their daily lives. What better way to accomplish that than to take the students into the mission field.
Fast forward to today, we take all who want to get involved. We bring food, clothing and medicine to locations throughout the world. We assist the local people plant and build churches, aid with practical needs and while showing them love and encouragement.
Joseph D. Cacioppo DO; I have specialized in Emergency Medicine for 39 years I am currently the Chair of Community and Global Medicine and associate professor of emergency medicine at CUSOM. I earned my Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at Andrew Taylor Still University, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.​
Kimberly Cacioppo, Vice-President
May you be blessed as you begin this journey through our ministry.
I am Kimberly Cacioppo, Co-founder and Vice President of ICR. I am a christian, a wife, a mother and a friend. I received my Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Liberty University and I am pursuing a Master program, I enjoy crises intervention and encouraging all those that God sends my way. In addition, I have a strong interest in ethics and moral courage. My Husband, myself and 3 of our children; Kelsey, MaCauly and Colin currently reside in North Carolina where God is doing amazing things through us and ICR.
My husband and I founded ICR ministry several years ago in which God laid on our hearts to mentor students through medical missions. We travel to several countries worldwide serving those in need while disciplining students on how they may incorporate their faith into their careers. We are blessed by each encounter the Lord gives us.
I pray that others may understand the peace and pure love that we may have with Christ, to seek after Him and His wisdom more fervently.
Life can be difficult and wonderful. I have an expectant anticipation as to what wonderful new thing Christ will reveal to me each day.